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Stary 16.07.2017, 14:05   #11
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Moją jechałem ok 160 i pewnie by jeszcze poszła ale jakoś nie mam parcia na sprawdzanie ile pójdzie, chodzi mi bardziej o przyśpieszenia w górnym zakresie obrotów, czy wymiana tych iglic i rurek emulsyjnych by coś zmieniła. Zastanawia mnie też że w mojej po założeniu jakiegokolwiek wydechu akcesoryjnego właśnie obcinało górę obrotów na wyższych biegach (i tu właśnie mogą mieć znaczenie te rurki emulsyjne i iglice). Dlatego szukam jakie one mają oznaczenia w wersji otwartej.
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Stary 17.07.2017, 15:02   #12
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tu jest kopalnia wiedzy o tlumieniu rd04:

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Stary 21.12.2017, 15:02   #13

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Czyli jeśli moto idzie około 180 to motocykl jest odblokowany, a jak max 140 to zblokowany? czy niema w tym reguły a jedynie jest różnica w przyśpieszeniu ?
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Stary 21.12.2017, 17:48   #14
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jedz na hamownie, zaplac 100pln i bedziesz wiedzial.
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Stary 21.12.2017, 18:38   #15

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toż mi też po głowie chodziło...
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Stary 21.12.2017, 18:38   #16
Zet Johny
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Jak by coś to mam komplet wałków rozrządu do wersji nie kastrowanej.
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Stary 23.12.2017, 10:19   #17
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Super ebałt dis:


Kiedy jest najciemniej, wtedy błyska znów nadzieja. Tolkien.
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Stary 10.01.2018, 17:40   #18
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a tu o wałkach i kompresji:

Kiedy jest najciemniej, wtedy błyska znów nadzieja. Tolkien.
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Stary 30.07.2019, 18:54   #19
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Kusi mnie jednak zajrzeć do moich wałków ... obie AT na 26 KW i obie mają numery vin i engine mieszczące się w zdławionych... więc będziemy próbować uzyskać 44 KW czyli prawie 60 KM ::))

Poniżej kopij-wklej z xrv.org na przyszłość:

Africa Twin RD04 XRV750 - Engine Restriction Details

It would appear that the restriction modifications can be ascertained on engine number alone, but only on Austrian and German models. Bikes for the Swiss market were also restricted but their engine numbers are in sequence with the full power models, just to make things difficult.

Also, the Honda Area (Market) Codes are my best guess. Again, if you know better then let me know.

Production years 1990 - XRV750L, 1991 - XRV750M and 1992 - XRV750N, RD04 750cc.

Full Power models for markets B (Belgium), E (England), F/YB (France), G (Germany), H (Holland), It (Italy), ND (Netherlands) and SP (Spain).

Full Power model produced for market AR (Austria) in 1990 only.

Restricted Power models for markets AR (Austria, 1991 and 1992), G/50P (Germany) and SW (Switzerland).

All models have the same CDI unit, the only changes were to the camshafts and the Inlet Rubbers. There are also carburettor changes to the restricted market models.

I will start by listing the standard part numbers -

Camshafts, Part Nos, Front: 14110-MV1-000, Rear: 14120-MV1-000

Inlet Rubbers, Part No: 16211-MN8-750

CDI Unit, Part No: 30410-MV1-003

Carburettors, Part Nos: Front/Right - 16101-MV1-630, Left/Rear - 16102-MV1-630

Main Jet Front/Right: #118, Part No: 99101-393-1180

Main Jet Left/Rear: #122, Part No: 99101-393-1220

Slow Jet: #42, Part No: 99103-437-0420

Front/Right Needle Set, Part No: 16151-MM9-621

Left/Rear Needle Set, Part No: 16151-MV1-700

Front/Right Holder, Needle Jet, Part No: 16165-MF5-671

Left/Rear Holder, Needle Jet, Part No: 16165-MV1-630

Plate Set, Valve; Part No: 16050-MS9-004

Piston Comp, Vacuum; Part No: 16112-MB6-881

Restricted models.

Market - Austria (Honda Area Code "AR"). Note: for years 1991 and 1992 only, NOT for 1990.

Restriction on camshaft only. Carburettors changed for 1991 and 1992.

Engine Nos: RD04E-5000001 to 5000329 for 1991 and

Engine Nos: RD04E-5100001 to 5100346 for 1992

Camshaft Part Nos, Front: 14110-MS8-000 and Rear: 14120-MS8-000

Carburettor Part Nos: Right/Front - 16101-MV1-880, Left/Rear - 16102-MV1-880

Changes to individual components are -

Main Jet Front/Right: #120, Part No: 99101-393-1200

Slow Jet: #38, Part No: 99103-MT2-0380

Front/Right Needle Set, Part No: 16131-MS8-004

Left/Rear Needle Set, Part No: 16151-MS8-681

Left/Rear Holder, Needle Jet, Part No: 16165-MF5-671

Plate Set, Valve; Part No: 16050-MS9-004

Piston Comp, Vacuum; Part No: 16112-MN8-752

Market - Germany (Honda Area Code "G/50P")

Restriction on inlet rubbers only.

Engine Nos: RD04E-3000001 to 3002245 for 1990,

Engine Nos: RD04E-3100001 to 3101536 for 1991 and

Engine Nos: RD04E-3200001 to 3201605 for 1992

Inlet Rubbers (called "Insulator, Carburetor" by Honda), Part No: 16211-MS9-710

Market - Switzerland (Honda Area Code "SW")

Unlike the Austrian and German models, Swiss bikes CANNOT be determined from Engine Number.

Restriction on camshaft AND inlet rubbers. There are carburettor changes also.

Engine Nos: RD04E-2000040 to 2006085 for 1990,

Engine Nos: RD04E-2100022 to 2105791 for 1991 and

Engine Nos: RD04E-2200010 to 2202882 for 1992

Camshaft Part Nos, Front: 14110-KW0-000 and Rear: 14120-KW0-000

Inlet Rubbers (called "Insulator, Carburetor" by Honda), Part No: 16211-MV1-640

Carburettor Part Nos: Right/Front - 16101-MV1-640, Left/Rear - 16102-MV1-640 for 1990 only.

Carburettor Part Nos: Right/Front - 16101-MV1-860, Left/Rear - 16102-MV1-860 for 1991 and 1992.

Changes to individual components are -

Main Jet Front/Right: #120, Part No: 99101-393-1200

Slow Jet: #38, Part No: 99103-437-0380 for 1990 only.

Slow Jet: #38, Part No: 99103-MT2-0380 for 1991 and 1992.

Right/Front Needle Set, Part No: 16131-MS8-681

Left/Rear Needle Set, Part No: 16151-MV1-640 for 1990 only.

Left/Rear Needle Set, Part No: 16151-MV1-860 for 1991 and 1992.

Left/Rear Holder, Needle Jet, Part No: 16165-MF5-671

Plate Set, Valve; Part No: 16050-MK7-771

Piston Comp, Vacuum; Part No: 16112-MN8-752

Teraz RD07

Africa Twin RD07 XRV750 - Engine Restriction Details

Because this post would have ended up being very long, I have separated the RD07 and RD07a into different posts.

There were a number of changes from year to year, so I will present the information for each year of production and provide as much detail as available to me.

Production years 1993 - XRV750P, 1994 - XRV750R and 1995 - XRV750S, RD07 750cc.

It would appear that the restriction modifications can be ascertained on engine number alone, but only on Austrian and German models. Bikes for the Swiss market were also restricted but their engine numbers are in sequence with the full power models, just to make things difficult.

Also, the Honda Area (Market) Codes are my best guess. Again, if you know better then let me know.

The situation is not as clear cut as with the earlier models, but bear with me and I'll try and make it as clear as possible.

I will start be listing the standard part numbers -

Camshafts, Part Nos, Front: 14110-MV1-000, Rear: 14120-MV1-000

Inlet Rubbers, Part No: 16211-MY1-000

Carburettors, Part Nos: Front/Right - 16101-MY1-000, Left/Rear - 16102-MY1-000

Individual carburettor components -

Main Jet Right/Front: #118, Part No: 99101-393-1180

Main Jet Left/Rear: #120, Part No: 99101-393-1200

Slow Jet: #40, Part No: 99103-MT2-0400

Right/Front Needle Set, Part No: 16131-MY1-700

Left/Rear Needle Set, Part No: 16151-MY1-640

Holder, Needle Jet; Part No: 16165-KAF-670

Plate Set, Valve; Part No: 16037-MW0-600

Spring, Comp. Coil; Part No: 16050-MY1-000

Piston Comp, Vacuum; Part No: 16111-MY1-000

CDI Unit, Part No: 30410-MV1-003 - this is standard across all markets for the years shown.

Full Power Models for B (Belgium), E (England), F (France), G (Germany), H (Holland), IT (Italy), ND (Netherlands) and SP (Spain).

Restricted Models for AR (Austria), G/50P (Germany) and SW (Switzerland).

Restricted models.

Market - Austria (Honda Area Code "AR").

Restriction on camshaft and inlet rubbers, different carburettors.

Engine Nos: RD04E-5200001 to 5200531 for 1993

Engine Nos: RD04E-5300001 to 5300552 for 1994 and

Engine Nos: RD04E-5400001 to 5400302 for 1995

Camshaft Part Nos, Front: 14110-KW0-000 and Rear: 14120-KW0-000

Inlet Rubbers (called "Insulator, Carburetor" by Honda), Part No: 16210-MY1-660

Carburettors, Part Nos: Front/Right - 16101-MY1-660, Left/Rear - 16102-MY1-660

Changes appear to be to the Slow Jet and Front/Right Needle Set -

Slow Jet #38, Part No: 99103-MT2-0380

Right/Front Needle Set, Part No: 16131-MY1-000

Market - Germany (Honda Area Code "G/50P")

Restriction on inlet rubbers only.

Engine Nos: RD04E-3300001 to 3301723 for 1993

Engine Nos: RD04E-3400001 to 3401750 for 1994 and

Engine Nos: RD04E-3500001 to 3500910 for 1995

Inlet Rubbers (called "Insulator, Carburetor" by Honda), Part No: 16210-MY1-780

No changes to carburettors.

Market - Switzerland (Honda Area Code "SW")

Unlike the Austrian and German models, Swiss bikes CANNOT be determined from Engine Number.

Restriction on camshaft AND inlet rubbers.

Engine Nos: RD04E-2300029 to 2305144 for 1993,

Engine Nos: RD04E-2400106 to 2404970 for 1994 and

Engine Nos: RD04E-2501580 to 2502721 for 1995

Camshaft Part Nos, Front: 14110-KW0-000 and Rear: 14120-KW0-000

Inlet Rubbers (called "Insulator, Carburetor" by Honda), Part No: 16210-MY1-640

Carburettors, Part Nos: Right/Front - 16101-MY1-640, Left/Rear - 16102-MY1-640

Changes appear to be to the Slow Jet and Front/Right Needle Set -

Slow Jet #38, Part No: 99103-MT2-0380

Right/Front Needle Set, Part No: 16131-MY1-000

Poniżej - RD07A

Africa Twin RD07a XRV750 - Engine Restriction Details

There were a number of changes from year to year, so I will present the information for each year of production and provide as much detail as available to me.

Production years 1996 - XRV750T, 1997 - XRV750V, 1998 - XRV750W, 1999 - XRV750X and 2000 - XRV750Y, RD07a 750cc.

It would appear that 2000 model year bikes were available up to 2003.

It would appear that the restriction modifications can be ascertained on engine number alone, but only on Austrian and German models. Bikes for the Swiss market were also restricted but their engine numbers are in sequence with the full power models, just to make things difficult.

Also, the Honda Area (Market) Codes are my best guess. Again, if you know better then let me know.

The situation is not as clear cut as with the earlier models, but bear with me and I'll try and make it as clear as possible.

I will start be listing the standard part numbers -

Camshafts, Part Nos, Front: 14110-MV1-000, Rear: 14120-MV1-000

Inlet Rubbers, Part Nos: 16211-MY1-000

Carburettors, Part Nos: RightFront - 16101-MAY-620, Left/Rear - 16102-MAY-620

Individual carburettor components -

Main Jet Right/Front: #115, Part No: 99101-GHB-1150

Main Jet Left/Rear: #115, Part No: 99101-GHB-1150

Slow Jet: #40, Part No: 99103-MT2-0400

Right/Front Needle Set, Part No: 16012-MAY-620

Left/Rear Needle Set, Part No: 16027-MAY-620

Holder, Needle Jet, Part No: 16165-MAY-620

Plate Set, Valve; Part No: 16037-MZ2-E00

Spring, Comp. Coil; Part No: 16050-MY1-000

Piston Comp, Vacuum; Part No: 16111-MY1-000

CDI Unit (1996 to 2000), Part No: 30410-MAY-621 - changes according to market for years shown.

Full Power Models for E (England), ED (?), F (France), G (Germany), H (Holland) and ND (Netherlands).

Models for H (Holland) NOT produced in 1996 or 2000.

No model for ND (Netherlands) in 2000.

Restricted Models for AR (Austria), G/50P (Germany) and SW (Switzerland).

Restricted models.

Market - Austria (Honda Area Code "AR").

Restriction on camshaft, CDI Unit AND inlet rubbers. Also changes to carburettors.

Engine Nos: RD04E-5500006 to 5500426 for 1996,

Engine Nos: RD04E-5600006 to 5600340 for 1997,

Engine Nos: From RD04E-5700001 for 1998,

Engine Nos: From RD04E-5800001 for 1999 and

Engine Nos: From RD04E-5810001 for 2000.

Camshaft Part Nos, Front: 14110-KW0-000 and Rear: 14120-KW0-000

CDI Unit, Part No: 30410-MV1-003

Inlet Rubbers (called "Insulator, Carburetor" by Honda), Part No: 16210-MY1-660

Carburettors, Part Nos: Front/Right - 16101-MY1-660, Left/Rear - 16102-MY1-660 for 1996 only.

Changes to individual components for 1996 only are -

Main Jet Right/Front: #118, Part No: 99101-393-1180

Main Jet Left/Rear: #120, Part No: 99101-393-1200

Slow Jet: #38, Part No: 99103-MT2-0380

Right/Front Needle Set, Part No: 16131-MY1-000

Left/Rear Needle Set, Part No: 16151-MY1-640

Holder, Needle Jet, Part No: 16165-KAF-670

Plate Set, Valve; Part No: 16037-MW0-600

Carburettors, Part Nos: Front/Right - 16101-MAY-840, Left/Rear - 16102-MAY-840 for 1997 to 2000.

Changes to individual components for 1997 to 2000 are -

Main Jet Right/Front: #118, Part No: 99101-393-1180

Main Jet Left/Rear: #120, Part No: 99101-393-1200

Slow Jet: #38, Part No: 99103-MT2-0380

Right/Front Needle Set, Part No: 16012-MAY-650

Left/Rear Needle Set, Part No: 16027-MAY-650

Holder, Needle Jet, Part No: 16165-MAY-000


Market - Germany (Honda Area Code "G/50P").

Restriction on inlet rubbers only.

Engine Nos: RD04E-3600001 to 3600850 for 1996,

Engine Nos: RD04E-3700001 to 3700580 for 1997,

Engine Nos: From RD04E-3800001 for 1998,

Engine Nos: From RD04E-3900001 for 1999 and

Engine Nos: From RD04E-3910001 for 2000.

Inlet Rubbers (called "Insulator, Carburetor" by Honda), Part No: 16210-MAY-660

No changes to caburettors on these models.

Market - Switzerland (Honda Area Code "SW").

Unlike the Austrian and German models, Swiss bikes CANNOT be determined from Engine Number.

Restriction on camshaft, CDI Unit AND inlet rubbers. There are also carburettor changes to these models.

Engine Nos: RD04E-2600040 to 2601633 for 1996,

Engine Nos: RD04E-2701805 to 2702409 for 1997,

Engine Nos: From RD04E-2800001 for 1998,

Engine Nos: From RD04E-2900001 for 1999 and

Engine Nos: From RD04E-2910001 for 2000.

Camshaft Part Nos, Front: 14110-KW0-000 and Rear: 14120-KW0-000

CDI Unit, Part No: 30410-MV1-003

Inlet Rubbers (called "Insulator, Carburetor" by Honda), Part No: 16210-MY1-640

Carburettors, Part Nos: Front/Right - 16101-MY1-640, Left/Rear - 16102-MY1-640 for 1996 only.

Carburettors, Part Nos: Front/Right - 16101-MAY-650, Left/Rear - 16102-MAY-650 for 1997 to 2000.

Changes to individual components are -

Main Jet Right/Front: #118, Part No: 99101-393-1180

Main Jet Left/Rear: #120, Part No: 99101-393-1200

Slow Jet: #38, Part No: 99103-MT2-0380

Right/Front Needle Set, Part No: 16131-MY1-000 for 1996 only.

Right/Front Needle Set, Part No: 16012-MAY-650 for 1997 to 2000.

Left/Rear Needle Set, Part No: 16151-MY1-640 for 1996 only.

Left/Rear Needle Set, Part No: 16027-MAY-650 for 1997 to 2000.

Holder, Needle Jet, Part No: 16165-KAF-670

Plate Set, Valve; Part No: 16037-MW0-600 for 1996 only, standard parts for 1997 to 2000.

I na koniec RD03

Africa Twin RD03 XRV650, 1988 and 1989 - Engine Restriction Details

It would appear that the restriction modifications cannot be ascertained on anything simple like engine number alone - if only things were that simple. Engine numbers for one market overlap with those of the other markets. I can only assume that batches of bikes were made for each market and the engine and frame numbers were just those of the items at hand. If you know better, then please let me know.

Also, the Honda Area (Market) Codes are my best guess. Again, if you know better then let me know.

Production years 1988 - XRV650J and 1989 - XRV650K, RD03 650cc.

Full Power models for markets B (Belgium), F (France), FI (Finland), IT (Italy), PO (Poland) and SP (Spain).

Model produced for market H (Holland) in 1989.

All models have the same cam-shafts and CDI units, the changes were to the Inlet Rubbers, which are called "Insulator, Carburetor" by Honda. There is also a carburettor change on the Swiss market models.

Standard Inlet Rubbers, Part No: 16211-MS8-000

Production year 1988, for all markets except Switzerland the carburettors are -

Front (Right Hand), Part No: 16101-MS8-621 (for 1988 only) or 16101-MS8-622

Rear (Left Hand), Part No: 16102-MS8-621 (for 1988 only) or 16102-MS8-622

I believe that theses should be matched, ie both ****-621 or ****-622.

The changes to the Swiss market models are different Slow Jets, Front and Rear Needle Sets and Vacuum Piston.

The standard parts are -

Slow Jet (#38), Part No: 99103-427-0380

Front Needle Set, Part No: 16131-MM9-621

Rear Needle Set, Part No: 16151-MM9-621

Vacuum Piston, Part No: 16111-MS8-004

Restricted models.

Market - Austria (Honda Area Code "AR")

Engine Nos: RC31E-5003423 to 5008451 for 1988 and

Engine Nos: RC31E-5100001 to 5103460 for 1989.

Inlet Rubbers (called "Insulator, Carburetor" by Honda): 16211-MR1-710

Market - Germany (Honda Area Code "G")

Engine Nos: RC31E-5000020 to 5008561 for 1988 and

Engine Nos: RC31E-5100006 to 5101907 for 1989.

Inlet Rubbers (called "Insulator, Carburetor" by Honda): 16211-MS8-610

Market - Switzerland (Honda Area Code "SW/HSQ")

Engine Nos: RC31E-5000031 to 5007423 for 1988 and

Engine Nos: RC31E-5100940 to 5103672 for 1989.

Inlet Rubbers (called "Insulator, Carburetor" by Honda): 16211-MR1-710

Carburettor, Right Hand (Front), Part No: 16101-MS8-683

Carburettor, Left Hand (Rear), Part No: 16102-MS8-683

The changes are -

Slow Jet (#35), Part No: 99103-427-0350

Front Needle Set, Part No: 16131-MS8-681

Rear Needle Set, Part No: 16151-MS8-681

Vacuum Piston, Part No: 16111-MF5-841

źródło: https://www.xrv.org.uk/forums/africa...chnical-specs/

I jeszcze na stronie czeskiej znalazłem takie info o rocznikach 96-2000 - zdławione nr VIN Austria JH2RD07 C i Szwajcaria D (1996-2000).

Kiedy jest najciemniej, wtedy błyska znów nadzieja. Tolkien.
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