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Stary 24.04.2014, 19:01   #121
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Napisy popierdolili przy modelach przecież wiadomo ,że RD 03 DIE BESTE
Stary nick: Raviking GSM 505044743
Żądam przywrócenia formuły "starego" Forum AfricaTwin......
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Stary 24.04.2014, 21:32   #122
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Napisał Aras Zobacz post
Tu do poczytania ale chyba za dwa ojro: http://www.motorradonline.de/artikel...paidattachment
To jest to samo co Wam wkleiłem. Każdy mi odda po 1 euro i nie będę miał pretensji
Louis, motocyklista niedoskonały.
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Stary 24.04.2014, 21:48   #123
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Ty tu Fazi nie fanzol ino lec do kiosku po gazeta, poczytaj i zdaj relacje co i jak...
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Stary 24.04.2014, 21:58   #124
Fazi przez Zet
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fassi will become famous soon enough
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Szynszyl, no przeca to je z gazety co louis wstawil, z takiej nowej, elektronicznej. Chcesz widziec fotki afry jak to na papierze wyglada
Za dwadzieścia lat
bardziej będziesz żałował
tego czego nie zrobiłeś,
niż tego co zrobiłeś.
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Stary 24.04.2014, 22:14   #125
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ciekawe czy ta rzędówka z nowej afry będzie pasowała do rd04
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Stary 25.04.2014, 11:47   #126
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Piec do 04 pasować raczej nie będzie... ale takiego twina litrowego można wykorbić jak V-kę i będzie to pięknie hulac. A poza tym obsługa łatwiejsza, choćby dostęp do zaworów. Chociaż pewnie to opakują elektroniką i bez komputera nie będzie co podchodzić. Koncept fajny, jak to zrobią choć w zbliżonej do rysunku i wstępnych danych formie, to będzie niezły pocisk.
RD04 -> ATAS
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Stary 25.04.2014, 11:56   #127
Ajde Jano
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Macie tłumaczenie

Honda CRF 1000
The rumors are condensed, and many key figures have already been confirmed: The successor of the legendary Africa Twin is in the starting blocks. Outwardly, it leans heavily on the 450 Rally machine. Honda wants to put so one miles stone in the Adventure bikes

If it comes, it does not come? And if so, then when? For years, rumors spread, cheered the fans around the world a comeback of the legendary enduro contrary. Now is certain: the new Africa Twin comes, probably later this year. But it turns out differently than expected.

This story starts in a large Japanese city in May 2013. Prior to the hotel dirty, contaminated stickers and overloaded Africa Twin parked a globetrotting Austrian. As he rummages in his aluminum box, suddenly a couple standing next to him, looks on labels and asks where he then just came. The Austrians brings out far: His faithful Twin 've worn him look ten years more than 180,000 km around the world. Not even a blinker glass was broke it. The Japanese gets wet eyes. His wife says. " They could have my husband make no greater joy - he is plant manager at Honda " "Oh”, says since the Austrians. "When I'm at the source before: Why do you actually build a new Africa Twin? " This meeting followed by invitations to several Honda - development centers. The Austrian and his old Africa Twin are exactly at the right time at the right place; the duo will be passed around. After all, the successor of the legendary travel bikes is already in the starting blocks. Not much he is told, everything top secret. But when the Austrians retrieves photo from his pocket digs, showing a very large sporting enduro with rally pedigree, sprung a computer retouching, wishful thinking, the Japanese nod but then imperceptibly, "Yes. Close to the reality," Can it be?

At Honda sit cautious people. A new Africa Twin build? You would be in the global market actually insignificant; the estimated numbers were too small for that was worth a new development. Rumor has nevertheless several prototypes were built over the years, its implementation but then again discarded. The primary aim, however, was apparently always the same: a bike that really deserves the name Enduro.

From all sides are now increasing signs that the development of the new Africa Twin is completed and they could be presented in the fall at EICMA. First indications were Takanobu Ito, CEO of Honda, already in a speech to the manufacturer's five-year plan on 21 September 2012 in Tokyo. The complete motorcycle journal pounced on the news that Honda wanted to build a new MotoGP Replica. In almost went under that Ito also spoke of new platforms for large-volume middle-class motorcycles. In focus: low to producing engines with low consumption. Finally, one no longer thinks of Honda in local markets such as Europe, America or Asia, but actually global. The first fruits of this platform strategy were the NCModelle and the Integra scooter, all driven by the same parallel twin, or the CB-model family, with a newly developed twin. In addition, Ito announced at the time that Honda would again take part in the Dakar Rally, which the manufacturer then 2013 and 2014 actually did - another sign of a planned Enduro. Even before the world presentation of the 650 - Twins 1988 Honda had set to NXR 750 prototypes that at the Rallye Paris - Dakar victories then imports. The final confirmation finally came in mid-2013 of Italy, as Honda's motorcycle dortiger boss Vito Cicchetti publicly announced that an Africa Twin was planned, and this statement is repeated at the EICMA in autumn 2013.

The preliminary key figures of the New Sleeping Beauty from sleep would shake: 200 kg fully fueled with 20 liters of fuel to the 100 hp, the focus is clearly on the off-road capability. Serve with spring travel of 250 mm at the front and rear as well as a 21” wheel in front pairing it with a 17” rear. With regard to Takanobu Ito announcement and the platform strategy, the new is driven cost-prohibitive from a V2, but by a parallel twin. The easier and beyond also cheaper to produce. This pulse and sound correct, you will most likely be put on a crankshaft with 270 degree firing interval. One of the few details that previously came from the Japanese Honda works out, stating that the new machine is called internally CRF 1000. Thus the question of cubic capacity is clarified. Another arises in contrast; Honda's motocross bikes with the CRF shortcuts come with only one camshaft. Sets the Honda Africa Twin successor thus also on the Unicam technology? In a patent from 2009 at least appeared on the notice that Honda was working on an ultra-compact V4 drive, in which the Unicam technology was used in the front cylinders. It enables an extremely compact and lightweight cylinder head with favorable production costs. That would come to meet the new.

In general, money is of course an issue. If the CRF 1000 is positioned as shown in the graph on the left in the market, the price must remain low. There are sources that even talk of less than 10,000 Euro. However, lightweight has never been cheap. If the proposed 180 kg curb weight is indeed the case and you want to realize in addition features such as terrain, travel and pillion passenger alike to enduro riders must really look forward to a milestone.

As for the equipment, Honda will use next to a special off-road ABS probably a suitable off-road traction control. The CRF 450 Rally, incidentally, was the only machine in the starting field of the 2014 Dakar Rally with a traction control system on board. Rumor has it wanted to minimize tire wear. The experience gained under these extreme conditions could benefit the system in the CRF 1000.

A dlaczego Austriak , hmm to malowanie jakieś takie
BMW Club Praha 001
1.Nigdy nie polemizuj z idiotą. Sprowadzi cię do swojego poziomu a później pokona doświadczeniem.
2.Czasami lepiej milczeć i sprawić wrażenie idioty, niż się odezwać i rozwiać wszelkie wątpliwości.
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Stary 25.04.2014, 12:15   #128
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Wszyscy macie słabe informacje. ja wiem że najpierw wyjdzie w tym, roku RD03... Silnik V, pojemność 650, 70 koni, dobre zawiasy. Tu zdjęcie z ukrycia Niestety to prototyp - nie ma jeszcze lusterek - to właśnie lusterka inżynierowie Hondy projektują od 14 lat...
Enduro i ADV

Ostatnio edytowane przez motormaniak : 25.04.2014 o 12:25
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Stary 25.04.2014, 14:46   #129
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fazi! nie ma na papierze to gowno jest warte. papier jest papier chociaz jak wiadomo, jest on cierpliwy...
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Stary 25.04.2014, 15:51   #130
dziad barowy
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Czy jest tu jakieś zamówienie zbiorcze
Africa jest jak kotlet schabowy. im mocniej bita tym lepiej smakuje.

RD 07A '96

na starym forum w szóstej linijce
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